Rachel White

Sea Around Us - Indian Ocean
School of Biological Sciences
University of Western Australia (UWA)

With a keen interest in nature, Rachel pursued a Bachelor’s in Animal Biology at the University of British Columbia, Canada. During her degree, Rachel participated in an exchange program, where she studied at the University of Adelaide and picked up an interest in marine science. After completing her degree, Rachel worked as a research assistant for the Sea Around Us research initiative at UBC, where she helped update global maritime fisheries catch estimates. She took an opportunity to move back to Australia in 2016, where she worked for the Marine Futures Lab at UWA. By 2018, Prof. Dirk Zeller had started the Sea Around Us – Indian Ocean node at UWA where she resumed her work as a fisheries data researcher.


Jabour Christ H., White R., Hood L., Vianna G.M., and Zeller D .(2020). A baseline for the Blue Economy: catch and effort history in the Republic of Seychelles’ domestic fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:269.

Vianna, G.M., Hehre, J., White, R., Hood, L., Derrick, B., Zeller, D. (2020) Long-term fishing catch and effort trends in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, with emphasis on the small-scale sectors. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:828.

White, R., Coghlan, A.R., Coulter, A., Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D., and Zeller, D. (2018). Future of fishing for a vulnerable atoll: Trends in catch and catch-per-unit-effort in tokelau’s domestic marine fisheries 1950-2016. Frontiers in Marine Science 5.

Coghlan, A.R., White, R., Dawson, T.P., Irving, R.A., Zeller, D., and Palomares, M.L.D. (2017). Reconstructed marine fisheries catches at a Remote Island Group: Pitcairn Islands (1950-2014). Frontiers in Marine Science 4.